
My live in boyfriend and i have been constantly fighting for the past three days. we have never fought before?

by  |  earlier

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he is being very distant and yells at me and the kids. i am trying to figure out what is wrong but he just says nothing. we are going to have a sit down talk tonight without any kids. i have no idea what is going to happen. i feel like he is hiding something from me. do you have any suggestions?




  1. Is he the kids' father? If not, could it be that maybe he feels that they get more of your attention than he does? Guys who don't have kids often don't understand how a parent always puts their children first, and therefore they can become resentful over it. If he IS their dad, well, there could be a number of problems -- it could be money, I mean, how many of us AREN'T pretty stressed over that right now? Or maybe something else at work, like a nasty boss or more work than he feels like he can handle, so the pressure is making him irritable. It could be something totally not related to you. Then again, it is possible that it's personal, too, but usually if someone is having an affair, they tend to try to hide it more than make it obvious by suddenly turning on their spouse so she'll immediately suspect something is up. Don't get too worried about it until you know what it really is, because chances are, it's something that can be fixed if you are willing to hear him out.

  2. whatever he says to you, take a deep breath and let him keep talking. Say the opposite of what you usually would say and try to find out what is wrong. Don't be reactionary and you may find out what the real issue is.  

  3. do you really think it is good to have a live in boyfriend around your children?  CHildren need more stability...I would rethink living together if you already have kids

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