
My live in boyfriends son is here I don't like to be a part of?

by  |  earlier

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their conversation because the son uses bad language. Hes 19 and he comes over to se his dad and every other word is the f word and he tells jokes that are not women friendly. (Like the one about Rodeo s*x to be specific) Don't know what to do. Its my home and I dint like that kind of language. i do have a sense of humor but he gets really loud too. i thought about putting a sign on the door NO CURSING. I have a child too but a girl am I just looking at the norm here with young boys?




  1. I think you need to tell the father to keep his kid in line or he isn't welcome in YOUR place.  he's 19 he can handle not coming over to dad's if he cant behave

  2. Seeing how it is your home both he and his father should not have any problem with your desire to halt their trailer part language.  I have a very bad mouth also when I am with the boys; however, when around my two granddaughers I would never talk inappropriately.  If he cannot respect the fact that there is a young girl there as well as his dad's girlfriend then it would not be a bad thing for you to inform him if he cannot stop this language that he won't be welcomed back into your home until he grows up and can control his language.  It is actually his father's responsibility to speak with this young man regarding his language; however, he may be trying to be more of a friend to this young fella rather then a father so he may not be comfortable speaking with him.  If that is the case then you need to have a spine and bring it to both of their attention.  Hopefully they will realize that you are not asking too much and will apologize and cease this behaviour immediately.  Best of luck.

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