
My live in gf and I broke up. How should I handle the five months left on our apartment lease?

by  |  earlier

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We'd been together 4 ande a half years, and were the envy of hopeless romantics for 4 of those. She had a change of heart about a week and a half ago and now its suddenly over. Totally caught me off guard. We just signed a six month apartment lease one month ago. Its a one bedroom. She says either I move out or she moves out. I don't really want to move to another apartment right now because I may have to move to either Denver or Chicago, but wont know which one for a few months. But I don't want to pay full rent for this apartment in which we both signed for. I'm gone three nights per week for work, but I could increase that substantially to give her "freedom" until the lease runs out, and would gladly sleep on a cot in the living room the few nights per month I'm there. Should I expect her to pay for her half of the lease if she moves out? Thoughts? She's a student and works part time. I work full time.




  1. If SHE had the change of heart, I say SHE is the one to leave.  You can get a roommate if you don't want to pay for the place all by yourself.  She only has a part time job, and it's her problem now, she made her bed.  

    You shouldn't expect to get paid for half of anything if you are broken up, and the best thing is to seperate as soon as possible.  Decide if you want to leave your job or not, since you are full time, I'd say that you should be the one to stay, and she should go.  In fact, if I were you, even though it's hard, I'd push for that.  You don't need to be flexible and sleep on a cot and all that.  That's very sweet, you obviously care for her, but she did the breaking up, now she needs to leave.

  2. Both names are on the lease?? then you don't need to go anywhere and neither does she.  If she defaults because she cannot afford the rent then you will be held liable for the money.  If I were you I'd do exactly what you were saying, stay until the lease expires and then part ways amicably, because the security deposit refund will come in both of your names so you'll have to get her to sign the check and vice versa.

    Legally you do not have to move out if your name is on the lease, five months will go fast, just tell her you'll sleep in the living room and just put up with it, be glad it's only 5 months and not a year.

    Good luck

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