
My local store sells Patagonian scallops, are these more likely, however, to be caught by and for the benefit?

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of Falklanders rather than Argentina?




  1. Geographically they are form the southern most area of Argentina and Chile around Terra del Fiego, and are not caught, but like oysters are drawn off the ocean floor with a rake like scraper, and then the are shucked and some may be kept for local use live or in the shell.

    I am a former chef from Canada and worked at a resort in a town known world wide for there scallops and worked with a number of women whom  were the wifes of scallop draggers in the Bay of Fundy around New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Canada, I saw them caught, and even shuck a few myself, the shell are saved and ironically sent to japan for processing and the resold here for use as coquelle st jacques plates.

    I would say the Argentine fishermen or Chileans would, as the Falkland Islanders, I knew a guy you was stationed in the British Army there before the war, are self-sufficent, only harvesting what food they can and very little at that and any fishing is done around the island, not a commercial fleet there.

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