
My lovebirds keep having eggs. And no baby chicks in sight.?

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My mom told me we have a male and female bird and i saw one on top of the other mating.We have had these two lovebirds for two years. in all the years of us having birds we NEVER got any baby's. its so weird. They broke off the top of the nest and now every time we pass by them we see inside and i don't know if they like that..




  1. Get your birds DNA tested to determine true gender. You cannot visually s*x lovebirds!!

    You could very well have 2 females who are mimicking a male/female pairing. I have had this happen in our aviary several times. You would never know any different.

    Aside from that, there could be SO MANY reasons why you are not seeing babies hatch. Improper humidity, improper diet, low grade infection(invisible), sterility, genetic faults, cage situation, age, compatibility, length of daylight hours, etc...There is no possible way to "guess" why you're not having any success.

    First and foremost, DNA them!!

  2. Well if you have eggs it isn't the female who is sterile, but if no eggs hatch then the male very well may be a inbred or a cross breed lovebird where he will be able to breed with her, but not be able to have babies with her, because he is sterile.  

  3. That means that the male is not sterile or they are cross breeds

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