
My lover has erectile dysfunction. is there anything special i can do to make his experience better.

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he has orgasms, but it seems to take him a long time and looks like he is working too hard to get it.

i do everything i know to stimulate him, but is there any special technique that would help him achieve an "easier" o****m.

it would also be nicer for me if i didn't have to work so hard to get him to o****m.




  1. Guest368

    For Erectile Dysfunction problem in men the best medicine is Generic Viagra. This medicine gives the penile rigidity to men by boosting circulation of blood.

  2. If he doesn't get hard then it will be harder for him to reach o****m because his p***s isn't as sensitive. Why don't you try putting him on some erectile dysfuntion meds. It will help the both of you greatly, and he won't get so fustrated.


  3. Sometimes its due to too much stress.. maybe u should bring him to consult a doctor to see wat really had happened.

  4. There are creams that can increase sensitivity for men just for this reason. I wouldn't call it a dysfunction he just doesn't seem to be a minute man..

    many items for this are sold here

  5. dont have too much s*x ..let him take rest for atleast few days bcoz if u have s*x daily he wont o****m fast and he wont even be that give it a shot if it works if no then consult a doctor..

  6. By saying he never gets hard you mean he doesn't get an erection? How can you have intercourse and not have an erection?

  7. that is not erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction is when you can't get an erection or have problems getting one and keeping it.

  8. How old are you. Viagra will help increase his circulation to his p***s. Maybe you guys should do some exercise. Increase blood flow. If he can get it up then there are devices to keep the blood in the p***s to stay up. Making love every day is a bit much.

  9. yes, there are a number of things you can do to help him and yourself enjoy a more productive s*x life

  10. Buy Viagra.  

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