Could this be my appendix?
It does not hurt when i stay still or stand or sit.
It ONLY hurts when i move in different motions(such as touching my toes)
Does this mean that its just a muscle b/c it hurts with movement?
Its hurt for almost three days now.
Wikipedia said this
Rovsing's sign
Deep palpation of the left iliac fossa may cause pain in the right iliac fossa. This is the Rovsing's sign, also known as the Rovsing's symptom. It is used in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Pressure over the descending colon causes pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.[17]
Psoas sign
Occasionally, an inflamed appendix lies on the psoas muscle and the patient will lie with the right hip flexed for pain relief.
Obturator sign
If an inflamed appendix is in contact with the obturator internus, spasm of the muscle can be demonstrated by flexing and internally rotating the hip. This Maneuver will cause pain in the hypogastrium.
All those do not hurt when i do them.
But I am still nervous it is my appendix