
My mac is having some SERIOUS issues?

by  |  earlier

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[IT'S A MAC MINI BY THE WAY!] Okay, so my nephew spilled a little pop in the keyboard, and it's a bluetooth keyboard. (the mouse is also bluebooth, but is totally fine) and then when I type with the keyboard, it types in like, accented latin / random characters like the copyrighted sign, and the all rights reserved sign. o.o; I've tried going to view and editting the settings but nothing seems to work. I've restarted the thing so many times. And sometimes when I click on things, the thing I clicked on like, downloads instead of going to the next page. 6.6 Help pleasee?




  1. Sounds like the problem is with the keyboard not the mac.  I think you need to get a new keyboard.

  2. can you get a mighty mouse and new keyboard

    they really hate sugary liquid

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