
My magicjack doesn't ring my phone.Does anyone know if it can give an audible ring?

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My magicjack doesn't ring my phone.Does anyone know if it can give an audible ring?




  1. Please try a few different phones.

  2. Yes, the Magic Jack SHOULD make your phone ring!

    If it doesn't, you may have a USB power issue (not enough juice from Magic Jack to make your phone ring) or some REN issue.

    The former could be solved with a powered USB expander.  I see some people need this just to get the Magic Jack to work.

    The latter is a bit more complicated.  REN stands for Ringer Equivalence Number and basically every phone has a rating.  Have you tried a different phone to see if that rings?

    Above is a link to the REN wikipedia page to learn more, so you understand the basics.  I am afraid you have an REN issue with that phone, but it could be USB power too.  I saw someone had an REN problem (no ring) and he switched to a multi-handset cordless set with 0.4 REN and they all rang!

    If you go shopping for a phone, the REN should be listed on the box, but you may need to look in its specifications.  I bet if it's low (good), they will show it on the box.  Whereas if it is high, they may keep that hidden in the owner's manual only.

    I got lucky and had no install issues at all, even though I use a wireless mouse that requires its receiver stub to be in a USB slot.  I'm happy that I can understand this enough to explain it.

    The above web site has some good info on the Magic Jack, but it's probably more for people who haven't ordered 1 yet.  There's a warning there about not installing your Magic Jack to an ADMIN account, which is good to know.  Also has links to find discount coupon codes and installation screen shots.

    Good Luck!

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