
My maid of honor sucked and she expects me to do all this stuff. Help please!?

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I just got married in January and my maid of honor was a friend that I have had since I was 11 years old I just turned 27 a few weeks ago. She is getting married next month and I have already spent close to $1000 and counting and I am certain she spent about $300 on me. It is really hard for me to deal with this because she makes more than me and is incredibly selfish but she wasn't supposed to be that way when it came to my wedding day.There is a lot that has happened between us over the years that proves that she is a bad friend but because of what I have to go through for her wedding and what she wasn't willing to go through for my wedding is really making me angry. I do not want her in my life at all anymore and it takes all that I have inside to not be in her wedding. I am the matron of honor by the way. I just need some help with dealing with this and not flying completely off the handle. Any advice for this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. if you really feel you dont want to be a part of her wedding and have her in your life tell her you can no longer afford being in the wedding.  That youd love to be a guest but thats all you can mange right now.  I"m guessing from her selfish behavior she will freak and not talk to you.

  2. Yeah im with the other two people. Tell you exactly what your telling us and if she still is a witch don't stand as maid of honor. Things change as you get older so does people. That is why i have only hubby and my babies as my friends. I am so sorry your going through this and i know youwant to dowhat is right but it makes you feel terrible when she did not care when it was your wedding. Yea i would have been left i deserve better. goodluck hun. let us know what you decide.

  3. I think life is too short to have bad friends.  Tell her about it. If she doesn't come around, leave her.

  4. you should tell her just what you posted, a bad friend is not someone that you should spend all this money on, I would personally inform her that because of your feelings toward her you would feel like a hypocrite standing up next to her on what is suppose to be her special day

  5. I'm sorry that you feel this way - I don't doubt for a second that you are telling the absolute truth because I have had friends treat me like that, also.

    Since the wedding is fairly soon, try to grin and bear it, but don't do a whole lot more financially.  Let her know that the bank is closed.  If she can't deal with that, then it's her problem.  You aren't being bitchy, just honest.  Be the bigger person in this situation.  Then, afterwards, you don't ever have to see her again.  I've actually had "friends" that I finally just said enough is enough, and this sounds like that type of situation.

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