
My mail person is a whiner?

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We have recently changed mail people and we have a new lady on our route. She is soo whiny. Every time my husband and I go out of town we get a summons from her on our letters. Now I'm not talking about not vacation for a week when we stop the mail. I'm talking about driving to my parents for the w/e. We don't check the mail Fri, Sat, and Monday until after work.

Our townhouse has those little metal mailboxes which are very small. We are not allowed to put up a better mailbox and we (like most of you) get a LOT of junk mail.

But she writes "Mail needs to be picked up twice a week" or "Pick up mail more often" across our mail all the time. The only time our mail is not picked up is when we leave for a w/e and I don't know how to get off the mailing list for all junk mail.

I don't understand why the carrier can't just throw it in her car for one more day or drop it at the door. How do I get her to lay off the notewriting for merely 2 DAYS of junk mail piling up?




  1. It is not her job to care for your mail!  Her job is to deliver it to the receptacle provided.

    You can contact the catalog companies and get your name off the lists or simple leave a note in your mail box with 20 bucks saying Dear Ms. Mail person we are away till Monday.

    Thanks Mr and Mrs Annoying

  2. Here's an idea:

    When you pick up your mail, get the important stuff and leave the junk, with "Return to Sender" written in Sharpie across it. Maybe she'll get the message after a few months of that.

    Oh...and good luck getting off mailing lists, seeing as there's like 5 zillion companies sending c**p out.

  3. Ignore it.  Or leave her a note.  I have a mail person that constantly gripes about my outgoing mail at work.  I just smile at her and tell her that I will be happy to drop it off at the post office.  She says "no, i'll take it" everytime.  I want to just scream at her, 'then quit complaining!'

  4. put your self in there shoes!  they can lose there job for doing that! it's FEDERAL  TO s***w WITH OTHERS MAILS and it's even more enforced with the mail carrier!

    first thing i would do is find out a way to be removed from junk mail! i think you can do that at your post office!

    i use to have those tiny boxes that fit like 1 magizine in it! I would get to know your neighbors and ask them to help you out as well give them your key and say will you please grab my mail too!

    also write the post office stating you are picking up your mail 3 times a week!  

    that's my suggestion!

    i don't htink she is whining nor do i think she is attacking you she is doing what she is paid to do!

  5. Well that sucks. A weekend is not a big deal, so I don't know why she is freaking out. But maybe you can have a close friend pick up the mail? Or if you have a leasing/front office (I live at an apartment so I can say leave it at the office) write a note on Thursday and leave it in there for the mail woman. Tell her that you will be gone for the weekend and would like your mail left at the front desk if it gets too big.

    And if the mail is credit card applications and such, you can call 1-555-OPT-OUT (I believe that is it, the number should be on the bottom of the preapproved credit card offer letters. It's either 555 or 888)  This should stop all of that sort of junk mail. A lady came in and talked to my work about identity theft, and she said to call that number because people can steal your junk pre-approved mail and open the accounts and charge a bunch of money.

    *EDIT* I just looked last night because I got another pre-screen credit card and I wanted them to stop for privacy reasons. It's 1-888-OPT-OUT. Or

    Again, it is at the bottom of the pre-screen credit card offers.

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