
My main yahoo page is still from April 1, why hasn't updated?

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my main yahoo page is dated from April 1, the pictures, the news, everything is the same as April 1. when my hubby signs in under his user id, he gets the correct news page. help, i am tired of reading the same headlines about american idol.





  1. I had this problem for about a month, as did many others.  

    It has nothing to do with cookies or a full cache or any of the other fixes suggested in Yahoo! FAQs. It's a bug of some sort.

    After numerous fruitless email exchanges with Yahoo! customer service, I determined that the only way to temporarily address it was to periodically switch back and forth between the new beta version of MyYahoo! ( and the original version. When one started to fail to refresh, I switched to the other for a short-term cure.

    At some point (knock on wood) the bug got fixed.  Hope this works for you.

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