
My major is English, So what kind of job should i look for? and what i can do with this skill?

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My major is English, So what kind of job should i look for? and what i can do with this skill?




  1. English major?  I am so sorry.  I was one and when I got out of college there was only teaching. and usually only if you took an education bloc.  Maybe things have changed in 20 years but i'll bet Eng Majors are still nine cents a dozen.  If you live in a city with a lot of publishing houses you might try to get in as a proofeader.  If you have ambitions to write...and didnt we all....I suggest a service industry job.  Steady if low paychecks and time to write.  Work in a restaurant and you wont go hungry.  Drive a school bus and you'll have summers off.   If it's not too late change your major to something useful and minor in english. you still get to read all the good literature and you'll have a salable skill.

  2. Kitty  Hello  When You find any job an English major can do let us know.  HA  Why not look @ your interests, reason U pick the major and skills.  Guess jobs peeps like to read & write. Your alumni or department office may know what people have done with it and where they work. There is much written on the subject.

  3. teach, proof read books/manuscripts for a publisher- shouldn;t you have thought about and investigated career choices of what you wanted to do in life before you picked a major?

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