
My maked up word, best answer gets points! ^.^?

by  |  earlier

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whats a wingle? and do you have a wingle? it attached to you? or an object?

be fun and creative

(p.s. dont forget, best answer gets the points ^.^)




  1. Wingle: A widow that pretends to have never been married.

  2. i wingle all the time you can order wingle since its what ever ou want it to be i can even be wingle :)

  3. my wringle is my best friend. im the only one that can see it and it follows me everywhere. it can shape ship so sometimes i dont know where it is, but i know its there.

  4. Wingle (v.) When you wingle, you have 3 kings and 2 jacks

  5. ringo stars' birthday wish? i never saw that episode of larry king

  6. Oh my! Wait... Are you talking about my pet dog/monkey/rock mix? He's so nice. He likes to swing on our swing set. He's single too! He sit's out the window and watches those hot, thin grass blades! And guess what? He's pregnant. How will the baby come out? Maybe his nostril? The world will never know...

  7. its made up not maked up therefore if you cannot speak english i advise you shouldn't make new words up

  8. A wingle.

    I have a wingle.

    It's attached to me =D

    It's 20 feet tall with pink fur and a blue face. It's got super powers, flys and can defie gravity. It sings and dances to the hoaky poaky. We play on the swings together and take pictures in the park.

    Check out my bebo for pictures of me and my wingle.

    I heart him so <3

    He <3's me too.

    Join me in the defence of the wingle community.

  9. y wingle is my pet monkey that can fly hes not attached to me but he always sits on my shoulder!!! he eats pringle and listens to singles and watches cornation street!!! woooo hooo!!!1

    = ]

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