
My male Betta...?

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I've had my male betta for just over a year in my community tank. He used to be very active and great to watch, but nowadays all he does is either 'sit' at the bottom of the tank, or on the plants right at the top... he does eat, and swims about sometimes, but he is definately slower than he used to be...

Is he just getting old? I had read that bettas only live for about a year and a half....??

Or could there be something wrong with him?




  1. your Betta my be cold how old is he the longest  have had a beta last was 3 years have you add plats or reduced plants?

  2. Hello, im not an expert on Betta's but i have had a few myself,

    it may be of old age, how long have you had it for ?

    the adverage life span is 3 years not one and a half. ( :)

    Anything else i can think of is if somethings has changed

    amount of food your giving it, environment etc

    I hope you find a good conclusion

  3. it might be the tank also... if it is dirty or maybe he is feeling claustrophobic? i know they are supposed to be able to live in small tanks (naturually they live in puddles i guess) but sometimes it seems they just want more space to move around in.

  4. age and complete lack of negative inputs to his environment are whats happened.  He no longer has to search for the food that you so joyfully provide.  I hope that my old age will be as pleasant.  Rocking in my chair right next to the refrigerator.  The little dude has been spoiled and he knows it.

  5. omg mines doing that tooo and the same age !

    i think its the water temperature. mine's water was really cold for a while, but i put a lamp on it and its getting better now.  trying heating the water a bit more if you reckon its cold

  6. it is definately old age or b..o..r..e..d..o..m.  fish can actually get bored.  it sounds like your fish is dying though.  i also have a betta and they are definately not claustrophobic.  also, feed it bloodworms from time to time.  the betta you have will be a little better.  do not take it to the vets.  it will be fine.  if you have another bowl, get a female.  the male will probably get excited.  good luck with your betta!!!!

  7. go to the vets

  8. i don't think there is anything wrong because i have 4 bettas in differrent tanks and they slow down and rest a lot  when they are comfortable in a tank

    because of their long fins they burn off a lot of calories by moving slightly so feed it a bit more and maybe it will move more.

  9. If you got your Betta from the pet store chances are it was a year old then and now it is 2.5yrs. It maybe old age or just bored. Try to put something in the tank he can play with. Betta's are playful, mine have a practice golf ball that floats on the top they can push around. Or you can get a thermometer that floats.

    I would how ever take a good look at all the fish in your tank for any signs of illness. Take a flash light and shine it on your Betta and see if he looks fuzzy to you. If he does look fuzzy then he has velvet and needs to be treated. If all looks well in the tank I would try the boredom ideas. Also put something colorful next to the tank for him to "explore." Mine will look at a new object for hours.
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