
My male Canary has stopped singing since the female Zebra Finch in a cage across the room died. wat do i do??

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My yellow Canary has stopped singing since the female Zebra Finch i had in a seperate cage across the room died. He used to sing everyday and now he is silent... he still eats adn drinks and he's healthy. So i don't know how to get him to sing again. Thanks for all the help!! :) :)




  1. you have to buy another female animals are just like us they get depressed too. Once you but a male bird and a female bird together and one dies you have to buy another to replace that female bird. I know it happen to me before with my birds I had some time back once we bought the new bird to replace the one that passed away the other bird was okay

  2. Same problem with my bird except mine kept screaming.

    If you don't got money and cant buy a new canary, you gotta sing to the bird, let it know you are there for it and keep it company.

    I did this to my bird, the result.... i got it trained to go on my arm finger and shoulder! But beware, my bird was a cockateil not a canary, there could be a different result.

    ALSO, after a while i got some money and bought my bird a woman, then he stopped trusting me, so choose CAREFULLY.

  3. he needs a friend... so invest in another finch for him... he misses the other one ....



  4. He's mourning the loss of his little friend! You'll have to do something to help him get over the loss.

    The best thing would be to (this is going to sound cruel) replace her. Zebra Finches are very inexpensive. Alternatively, you could buy him a mirror. Beware of this, though, if you plan on him ever paying attention to you as a living thing again. Birds see the reflection of themselves as another bird. They'll often treat it as a mate and will even try to feed it. If this simply won't do, then just be sure to bring him wherever you go for the next couple of weeks, slowly cutting back the time to where it was before his friend died.

    Hope this helped (and my condolences).

  5. Well All You Gotta Do Is Buy Another Female Zebra Finch Cuz It Made Your Canary Sing But Since It Died It Got All Sad And Doesnt Want To Sing Anymore Cuz It Missies The Other Bird So Yea I Would Buy Another Bird =]

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