
My male bengal is very snotty

by  |  earlier

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hes sneezeing and when he dose sneeze its like green snot




  1. Wipe it then take him in to the vet. Might have a cold.

  2. Best to go to the vet as this could be catflu or catarrh.

  3. Sometimes they can have something lodged up there, like a blade of grass, it could be infected, a green coloured mucus is usually a sign of infection. I think you should take him to the vets.

  4. probably a cold. Take him to the vet though.

  5. He probably has some kind of flu. You should take him to the vet as soon as you can. It can worsen and his respiratory system could be in big trouble if he doesn't get the proper care.

    haha when I saw the title 'My cat is snotty' I thought you meant he has a bad attitude! ha ha

  6. Oh man, must be a gorgeous cat, huh?

    Maybe he could use some water or something.

    If it proceeds long enough for you to get concerned, a trip to the veterinarian clinic wouldn't hurt.

  7. Hi there... it may be a fairly strong possibility that your Bengal has an upper respiratory infection (URI) which would require antibiotics for the secondary infections common to URI's.  

    Please contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment to have your cat evaluated and treated respectively.

    More about feline URI:

  8. he probably has cat flu  

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