
My male cockateil just died out of nowhere.?

by  |  earlier

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Can someone please tell me how he died when i found him he was laying on his side with his neck sideways and he was fine about 2 hours ago.




  1. take him to the vet and ask for a necropsy. its the only way you'll know, and its totally worth knowing  

  2. Only a vet can tell you why he died. Everyone else is just guessing.  

  3. respritory infection maybe

  4. Awww!! I'm so sorry!


  5. was your pet cockateil sick and maby no one realizes the signs intill it was to late for him or maby he ate something that was toxic to his body and just died btw how old was your bird maby his age had to do  something with it ?

    ps. srry about your loss

    i have a male cockateil also whos best friend 4ever with a parakeet

  6. maybe he was old? I had a male and female the female lived for 10 more years than the male maybe you should feed it

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