
My male crown betta is floating in one of his sides instead of swimming as he used to. He eats normally

by Guest67003  |  earlier

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Wonder to know if he is sick or needs something I ignore. He is in a 1.5 gallon tank.




  1. He may have an infection on his swim bladder or he's full and constipated and that's pushing his swim bladder to where he can't control it.  This is very common in Bettas.  Fast him for a couple of days until he empties out then feed him less.  His stomach is the same size of his eye.  A couple of pellets in the morning then at night should be fine.  If he doesn't pass everything in a few days try feeding him the inside of a boiled pea.  This helps with constipation.  If it is an infection then use Melafix to help cure the infection and do a slight water change every day.  Pemafix is for fungal infections so don't get the two mixed up.  You can buy it at Petsmart or Petco.

    Good luck.

  2. Sounds like he is having problems with his air bladder. I'm not too much of a "fish head", but I have seen other species do this. Wish I could help you more. Good luck.

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