
My male friend found an email from his fiance to another girl, should he still marry her?

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"I’m ok yeah. I’ve just been a bit confused after the weekend. I really enjoyed myself (a bit too much I !!) and I went home feeling like c**p as I felt bad for doing that to him and I didn’t want to be leaving you either. I spent the next few days missing you which annoyed me as I really didn’t want to feel like that. Then yesterday when I saw you, I wanted you but was too scared/embarrassed to say anything. You know how I’ve always wanted the 2.4 children, have a house and maybe get married one day. I’ve wanted all of that more than anything for years on end. As you know, I’ve never been the ‘career minded’ girl and I’ve always wanted the guy to look out and provide for me/us and this kind of relationship isn’t what I had in mind. And yes, I know it wasn’t what you had in mind either and that we can’t help how we feel but that is how I see my future. So you see, I could never have you as it isn’t what I want and that is why I would like him/anyone else to be like you"




  1. Didn't You Post This Same Question Yesterday?

    If These Two Women Are Having A Sexual Relationship, Then No. Your Friend Shouldn't Marry Her. Cheating Is Cheating, No Matter How Much You Try To Sugar Coat It.

  2. You need to come clean and make her aware that you know about the email and get her to explain what is means, even if you are scared of what she might say. These things always rear their heads in the end, so you may need to think about asking the right questions before you invest even more time, love and life into this relationship. Your  heart must be broken, but you have to make the big decisions now in order to move forward.

  3. I think I saw this post yesterday and all of the answers you got were pretty much saying the same thing-- It is hard enough to make a marriage work when two people go into it thinking it's going to last forever and everything will be sunshine and rainbows.  So, it's going to be even harder when there are already signs and thoughts of infidelity before the marriage license is even signed.  She shouldn't be sending e-mails like this and he shouldn't need to "ban" her from seeing this girl, there should be a mutual respect in a marriage relationship.  All signs point to this being a very difficult road if he goes forward with the wedding.  I would not recommend it.

  4. I would break it off.  I would not marry this girl.  She can't be trusted.  Your friend deserves better.  

  5. she'll eventually leave him for a woman if that's the way she is leaning. So "forbidding" her to see the other woman won't do him any good.  If it's not this woman then it will be someone else.

    She's admitted in her letter that she wants marriage, family, and a man to take care of her.  She hasn't said specifically that she loves her fiance or that the man she marries has to be him.  She clearly wants someone else and it's not him.

    he needs to cut her loose before it's divorce and he loses 1/2 his stuff and his kids.

  6. This girl doesn't need to get married to anyone until she figures this out. The guy can't just "ban" her from seeing other people. He needs to realize it's deeper than that. He needs to break this engagement until he knows who this person is that he wants to marry.  

  7. I suggest he leave her.

    Although it appears she is trying to choose him over her ladyfriend, the fact remains that she is conflicted and she is pushing her desires for this other relationship away. In the long run, she wont be happy and the marriage wont work out. The situation will only get thornier with time.

  8. First off he will never be able to stop them from seeing each other.   The heck with love the part she not committed to the relationship like you are.  If you marry her you will wind up getting a divorce  

  9. Why do people insist on re posting the same question? You got loads of answers yesterday, you are going to get the same type again today. What a waste of 5 points!

  10. He should def break it off now. How can he trust her? How can he want to be with her after she says she pretty much only wants a man to support her. He is better off without her.


  11. I do believe the answer to your question is crystal not marry her. She's in love with someone else, you can't stop that. Sorry, I wish you the best. :-)  

  12. Wow. That's tough. Obviously, it appears she cheated on him. In addition, it appears that her sexuality may not exactly be what he originally thought.

    I think they need to go to couple's counseling if they have a chance...before they get married.

  13. Hello, is you're male friend g*y, because you say my male friend found a email from his fiance to another girl.

    But if not do you mean that you're friends fiance who is a girl, as been chatting to girls dirty.

    if so i would tell your friend to sit down with his fiance and talk about it and then the male should look after the conversation and see if there is any more emails, if so he should be worried because this marriage may not work out as planned.

    Get back to me if want more info.


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