
My male guinea pig has gotten very fat but his head has stayed the same. He looks like a pear. Is this normal?

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My male guinea pig has gotten very fat but his head has stayed the same. He looks like a pear. Is this normal?




  1. No he needs diet and exercise. Before he dies from heart disease or sumthing.

  2. Make sure not to give him to many treats. Anyway u should put him on a diet before its to late!

  3. no its not normal your guinea pig is alien

  4. Well i'm going to answer your question with another one. How long have they been pear-shaped and have they been around other guniea pigs within the past 3 months?

    The reason I ask is because one of my guniea pigs I had recently was suppose to be male and he ended up being a she and had babies.  Females become really pear-shaped about a week before the babies are born, and I must say dealing with 2 pregnant pigs before they really look crazy.

  5. Are you sure your guinea pig is a boy? Because pregnant females have the shape of a pear when pregnant, so I would really advise you taking your pig to a cavy savvy vet. If your guinea pig is just chubby, consider letting him run around your house more, or he may need a bigger cage to get some exercise in, just no balls or wheels, as they are bad for a guinea pigs back and could seriously injure them. Also if you're feeding him any commercial guinea pig treats from the pet store those are fattening and un-needed in a guinea pigs diet. You should be also feeding him plain timothy hay based pellets, no foods with colorful bits with seeds and such, their just fattening and un-needed. You can also weigh him with a regular kitchen scale to see his weight weekly, and see if he's gaining anymore. My boy weighs bout 3.75lbs but he's just big, not fat. Well, I hoped this helped and gl with your piggy!

  6. well guinea pigs shouldn't be "very fat"..... are you overfeeding him?

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