
My male hamster smells my female hamster, and he is going crazy?

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I just got a female syrian hamster a few days ago. She is soooo sweet. And about 3 months old. My 2 year old male smells her from his cage and he is climbing up the bars and falling off and trying to find everyway possible to get out. He chews on the bars way more than he used to. I know that my female is giving off pheremones and it is driving him crazy, but will this last forever? Do hamsters go through heat cycles? Because my female seems a little young to be sexually mature. I do not want to breed them. They are in seperate cages. My female is on a night stand while my male is on the floor, so i think he would have a bit of trouble getting to her if he did get out, but I do keep thier cages secure. Also, will my hamster hurt himself by climbing up the bars and falling off over and over again? It is kind of confusing... But thanks for answering. I am not looking to breed them at any time, so don't worry!




  1. it because he is on heat so he wants to mate that is all

  2. Female syrain hamsters are sexually mature from just six weeks, doll, and go into heat once every four days (you'll notice their urine will smell more.) So this will be why your male is going insane. And yes, it will last until one of them dies. Hamsters don't have menopause like humans.

    And he shouldn't hurt himself; the hamsters where I work do that a lot. Just keep an eye on him and take him to the vets if he seems to fall oddly or hurt himself. But most of the time, there is no problem.

  3. well you better expect hamster babies in about 20days!

  4. its not thats hes going crazy he might just want to mate like if you stick the female and male into a cage and he gets ontop of her and she turns around and fights take him out fast because she doesint want to mate.....but since your not mateing anytime soon you have nothing to worry about

  5. first of all CONGRATS on the new hamster. so pleasing to read that you are a responsible hamster owner to one, know she is too young to breed and secondly, not wanting to breed them.

    to help out your male how about keeping the female in another room. maybe this will help him settle down.

    i do not know the breeding cycles for hamsters.

    you can call a vet for free and ask them this very question. since there are no health problems & it's only a question it will be free.

    you are a great person to be caring for animals! :) i wish there were more like you.

    you can google hamster breeding cycles or check out books for free on the subject at the library too.

    Best wishes and I hope something helps.


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