
My mam likes drinking oil, wtf is wrong with her ?

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Im not joking when i say she likes driking oil, she drinks muti purpose oil, she aperently "enjoys the taste" i personaly think its messed up but no one beleives me when i tell them, shes also tryed to drink all other kinds of oil, WD40 (whish is deadly i think). she loves the taste and smell off coal and petrol, wtf is rong with her, this isnt normal, must people think im lieing but im honestly not. what could be making her "enjoy the taste" of oil ?




  1. Some people just have weird food tastes..

    But this doesn't sound too serious unless she really is drinking lethal oil, in which case, remind her she could die.. and hope she listens.

  2. Kyle go look at this link the first two lines are ..

    Pica is a medical disorder characterized by an appetite for largely non-nutritive substances (e.g., coal, soil, f***s, chalk, paper, etc.)  

    and then you can google further information on it and maybe get some detailed advice to help her - because as it says, it is a medical disorder

  3. K, How long is this going on?  You have got a DEAD Mother and I am

    not joking neither, she is poising her self & one day you are going to get a call that your Mother is dead or you fiend her sleep away over night but if you are serious, then you have a dead Mother, only that her

    eyes are not closed as yet but it will be soon because she is poising her self!.

  4. What is a MAM?

  5. i love the smell of tarmac and if they are laying it on the road i nick a fresh piece and smell it, l**k it even chew a tiny bit!!

    Drinking oil is a bit far. What kind of oil is multi purpose oil? For D.I.Y?

    I love Jaye's Fluid to sniff but don't tell her about that she might drink that and that will definitely kill her.

  6. it sounds like she could be becoming addicted and dependent on oil, like it's a drug or something. it's not too worrying about the normal oil but the more lethal oil is obviously serious, and what i'm talking about. it sounds like a bit of an obsession too?

    call a helpline? try and convince her to see a doctor?

  7. call the doctor

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