
My man constantly asks me 4 money. Does he love me?

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Ive been dating my current boyfriend going on three years. He's 37 i'm 24. When i first met things were nice. I dont know how it started with him asking for money but its turned into an everyday thing. He has no shame in his game. I wont even be in the front door all the way b4 hes asking for money. He calls me when we're not together and asks me to pay his phone bill for him while i'm out. Or he'll call and ask me to call and order food for him and pay with credit. He even comes past my job to get money (even while i was 8 months pregnant with his son) ---thats a whole nother topic. But he's not working, hes had a couple of jobs on and off while weve been together. Even when he was working he still asked for money. I purchased a car with alot of convincing from him and he would drop me off at work and not come and pick me up or not answer his phone in the morning and force me to catch a cab to work. Mind you i'm the only one putting gas in the car. Everytime we've ever been out i've paid for everything. Hes never even gotten me a card for my birthday, valentines day or any holiday for that matter. Even though i always get him something. Hes been claiming that he wants to marry me but why would i want to have a grown dependent. Now i have a 1 month old son with him and i'm finally starting to wake up. Why couldnt i realize what a loser he was before i got pregnant? Is it to hard to believe that he came to the hospital after our son was born (mind u he missed the birth) and asked me for money. And he wants us to get a place together...i dont think so. I mean i want to so bad...but deep inside i know we cant be together. But i love him so much and now i feel almost obligated to stay with him for our sons sake.




  1. I think he loves your money!  

    There are givers and takers in the world and this guy is 100 percent a taker.  Relationships have to be balanced with sometimes giving and sometimes taking.  When one person is always taking, it's just like your bank account, eventually the giver become overdrawn and bankrupt emotionally.

    I can understand your regrets about the past with this guy, but the good thing is that you are realizing your mistake.  Now you can make some healthy changes in your life.  Believe me, now that you have a child to care for, his selfish ways will increasingly become a terrible burden.  

    Break free before the little one is old enough to realize and work to create a visitation schedule.  Love yourself enough not to stay in a relationship that is based on being used.

  2. If you stay, he will keep asking for money. You may end up without enough to provide for your son. It would probably be best for the baby if you left him. He can get a job and give you money in the form of child support.

  3. This will never change. Until he can prove differently, your best bet is to stay away and definately do not move in togethter. He sounds like a real user to me and you do not need that for you and your son. Tell him he has to prove himself and become an adult and a father first before you will accept him into your life again. You have one child to suport and do not need another one. If he can be a father and a partner, he needs to prove it. You and your son have enough to deal with besides a free loader with no direction. Stay strong. The only one that matters right now is your child. You ask if this is love, I think you know the answer to that one yourself. It is spelled  looser,user, and no good for either one of you.

  4. You don't need this guy. He is a SPONGE. Dump him before the baby gets to know him. So far, all he contributed to the realtionship was his sperm.

    Read your question and try to find a reason to stay with him.He abuses your trust with YOUR car. He does not take your responsiblities seriously and he wants YOU to get a place for him. Asking for money and blowing off his responsiblities are signs of drug use or having an affair. I guess it is both.

    You do not need to support a baby and a loser.

  5. You answered your own question.

    He is using you and will continue to do so until you stop letting him.

    The next time, and every time after, he asks you for money (no matter what the reason) say "NO".  

    You can probably imagine what will happen.

    And there is your answer.

    Leave the loser and raise your child alone, which I imagine you are doing now anyway.

    You deserve someone who will cherish you, not use you.

  6. Love came to town looking to hitch up with fort Knox and i think he found it with you.............My advice drop him like a hot scone,he should be looking after you not the other way ?

  7. Wow he's such a bumb. and your are pathethic because you let it come this far. HE IS USING YOU HE DOESNT LOVE YOUR OR CARE ABOUT YOU. find a real mad someone your age and with money of his own. your son is better off without him dont worry about that. that guy is a total loser and hes young all he sees in a older woman is $$$..  

  8. wake up dear , he is using your love

  9. Lets face it, he loves you like a little piggy bank. What you need is a hot lover that loves you for yourself not your purse.

  10. Wow, it sounds like he is a gold digger. You should reevaluate your situation sweety. If he is just going to live off of you then I would leave. You need to be happy with your son. Not having to worry about when the next time your boyfriend is going to ask for money. I hope that he isn't taking money out of your sons mouth. Good Luck!!!

  11. first of all don't stay with him for the kid you will only drag him into this and teach him it is ok to take advantage of people you sapposedly love. leave him and file for child support. the longer you stay the more he will take advantage of you. the more you let him the more he thinks it is okay to treat you this way.  i will say is not your fault that he is using you but it will be your fault if you continue to let him. We as women teach people how to treat us by allowing or not allowing them to do so. you are allowing him to treat you this way and he will as long as you will let him...if you really want to be with him, get your own place and tell him he can move in when he can pay half of the bills on a regular basis.  

  12. Think about what are you into?

    Wake up girl! He's NOT the one! Period.

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