
My man & daughter went fishing today! Anyone have a good recipe for Black Sea Bass?

by Guest45009  |  earlier

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AW! JT! It's not THAT dirty in Jersey!!! lol




  1. I see how it is now. Just as soon as I add ya as a start asking serious Qs. Nice. NOT!

    Yeah, I gotta recipe. It's easy. Here's what ya need:

    Aluminum foil

    Olive oil (or butter)



    Lemon juice (fresh)

    A medium (temp) bed of coals in a fire pit or kettle Q

    Instructions for recipe #1:

    Fillet the Bass (or you can leave the bones in if you know what you're doing while eating) <---more on that below

    Per fish (if filleted) : Coat both fillets w/ oil or butter (both sides). Sprinkle w/ S & P (or any spices that you enjoy) Add a generous spritz of lemon juice. Wrap the fillets in foil (gently, don't wrap tightly)...both of them, like a sandwich. Cook directly on coals for 4 to 6 minutes per side. Remember...MEDIUM HEAT. Too hot and they'll get crusty, FAST! Too cool and they'll require too much time and get mushy (eww)

    #2 (my preference)

    Assuming the Bass has been gutted & scaled properly...I like to stuff the fish(whole, head, tail and all) w/ couscous and add the same S & P and a few tablespoons of butter, and the lemon juice. Along with some chili peppers (sliced very thinly). Wrap in foil as above. Same cooking time and method. The flesh (meat) will peel away from the bones if done carefully from the tail w/ a knife or fork. Kind of like turning a page in a book. Once one side is "stripped" flip it over and strip the other. Don't forget the eyeballs & cheekmeat are the most nutricious part of the fish. YUM!

    So sorry my wife's not available right now. She's got a great recipe for pan-fried fish. Maybe we'll edit later. :)

  2. never eat anything that was caught in New Jersey water

  3. Just do what Mac S said but put slices of onion between the fish. MMMMMM !

  4. I'd like to help ya, but I'm just not sure what Black Sea Bass prefer to eat...maybe a good dip?

  5. Just send that lovely expensive piece of fish to me ( on ice)


    then I will tell you.

    I have to pay 11.00 upwards a pound for that at the Farmers Market.


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