
My manager at work yelled at me should i tell her i felt disrespected?

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My manager at work yelled at me should i tell her i felt disrespected?




  1. No.. you let it go.

  2. I would shrug it off for now.  If it happens again - say something.  No one should be disrespected like that.

    When a boss or manager yells at an employee - they aren't a very good manager or boss.  Anyone that can't get the point across in an adult like manner shouldn't be in that position - no matter WHAT the circumstance is.  A trained professional would sit the employee down and DISCUSS the issue.  Yelling hurts people's feelings and makes them perform poorly.  Correcting someone in the proper manner makes them perform better.

  3. First, don't walk around with a chip on your shoulder.  There are too many people today just looking for something to be offended about.

    Yelling at employees is unprofessional, even though not uncommmon.  If you feel you must say something to your boss, talk to her in private.  If you screwed up in the first place, apologize.  In a non-hostile, respectful way, request that the manager make you aware when you have failed to do your  job in the future, without yelling at you.

  4. It depends upon what you were yelled at about.  Now if they did it in front of others, I do think that is inappropriate.  You can call them on it if you want to.  It is up to you though.

  5. Yea, good plan, go with that one, if you want to be un-employed!  You probably deserved to be yelled at anyway!

  6. Nope, not unless you want to lose your job.  I don't mean that in the derogatory way others do.  MOST bosses take advantage of their position and treat their employees like total c**p.  The sad part is they can.  No matter what occurred, there is NEVER a good reason to be yelled at work.  Any boss who does that needs to grow up!.

    It doesn't matter what kind of job you have, it happens everywhere.  Having a degree does not change that.

  7. Unless your boss said anything that would be concidered disrespectful such as calling you names, then get over it. That is what bosses do...they yell at you when you are not doing the job right or are just stupid...Build a bridge and deal with life!!!

  8. Well, I think your best revenge would be to get a degree and then get a career. The higher your education, the better you are treated. If you work unskilled jobs - you are replaceable, they don't care if you are upset. They'll fire you and have your position filled by tomorrow.

  9. I think more details are needed to answer that question. I am a boss and there are times that I have to sternly address things. I try not to yell at people, but really we need more details here.

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