
My manager is a pain who is right in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i have a family emergancy with my fiances family and i just bought a plane ticket to go there and now she is being a pain about me getting it off.. i mean come on it is a fast food resturant...I at least gave her a week notice... so now i dont know what to do should i go and then have her mad at me again or do i stay and work...




  1. I would go anyways!  It's a fast food resturant!  Youve already spent the money on the plane ticket.  I wouldn't worry about it.

  2. Be mad and go!! She's being a *****; she's to involved in her job - if it's just fast food.

  3. all managers are a pain.

    with that said - i wonder how your attendance has been regularly?  are you a dependable employee and if so, do you work with other dependable employees on your shift, or do they normally depend on you to make things run smoothly?  i ask b/c #1 - emergencies aren't usually something you can plan a week in advance for - and #2 - he's not actually your husband so this does not qualify as "immediate family" right now (i know, i know - but that's usually the way they look at it).

    i don't know how to advise you on this b/c there isn't enough background info, however, i will say that if you decided to stay and work - then you will have nullified the emergency excuse and will always be looked at skeptically if you wish to be absent in the future.

    you already put it out there - you might as well let her stay pissed off at you and do what you were planning to do anyway.

    good luck!

  4. Really? What's more important to you? Your manager is just mad becase she failed to cover that shift after saying you could have off and she is trying to make you feel guilty about it. s***w that! Evaluate the situation and see whats worth what.

  5. It's a lousy job and family always comes first. You can find another job, but you can't relive this situation where people need you.

  6. All about the degrees of importance, technically your fiancee is not your family so leaving for a week is not justified at all.  So I can understand where your manager is coming from.  Secondly why do you have to go for an entire week?  If you need your job, I would not go.  If it was your immediate family then I could understand but your fiancees family... eh not so much.

  7. Well what is more important the job or your fiance? You can find another job. If you want your job more talk to him and reschedule the lunch!

  8. go - if you can afford to lose your job - family comes first

  9. If it's really a very important emergency, than don't hesitate in leaving. Tell your boss that family always comes first, and that you can always find another job if she feels that you're breaking rules.

  10. I don't understand how you gave her a week's notice on an emergency?  An emergency is for example a car accident that just occurred and you have to run to the hospital.

    Anyway, if you were approved to take the time off a week ago, then don't hesitate to leave.  Hopefully your job has forms to fill out where you can show she approved it.  If she is mad about it, then that's her problem to sort out your work with the other employees.  Plus I really doubt if you stay, the company will actually compensate you for that plane ticket.

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