
My manager loves working at kfc?

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okay so this is the scenario. my manager has been working at kfc for about 5 years i would say now. hes 20 years old and he was a girlfriend whom he dearly loves and constantly takes out for dinners and all that fancy stuff. he really seems to enjoy his job, last time he had a 3 week leave and he came back one week early just to help the front counter people serve and organise some stuff for when he came back. he's said that he's planning on having a family, who knows when but this is the real confusing bit. he recently received a job offer to work for telstra which he would get a salary probably 3 times more than he does at kfc. this could've secured his future, he would be able to have a family and pay for all expenses etc.

but he loved kfc so much that he turned it down. he is still young at 20 years old but he dropped out of school at year 10 so he would need to go back to uni to get qualifications. which he isnt intending to do.

i know people say you should only do a job you enjoy and my manager enjoys kfc very much but do you think maybe hes thinking of himself too much rather than the future and what his "new" job could've brought for him and his prospective family?

just wondering, no right or wrong answers






  1. That is a serious trip.

    What did that other job involve?

    I have no idea what would be in someone's head to want to stay at KFC, wage notwithstanding.

  2. I to loved being the manager of KFC, I was offered my own store. Yet, did not take it. The people who franchised it just made a mess of the business. So, I no longer work for them. But, it was a great place at one time. If you work for corp, then yes.  

  3. Hey, you don't find too many people who love going to their job everyday.  If the man enjoys his job so be it.  He's probably a pleasure to work for if he enjoys the environment that he is in.

    And as far as his future is concerned, perhaps his girlfriend should be discussing that part of his life with him.  

    You should be worried about original, crispy, or extra crispy and if anyone would like their meal super sized.

  4. You know what....there is an even better job for someone who loves his or her company THAT If he loves KFC wholeheartedly, he should go get a degree in business/marketing and work for the KFC administration. That blends his future and passion, most importantly, right there :)   Dedication to a company causing him to turn down another offer. Yup, he should definitely represent KFC.

    And that is so thoughtful of you thinking about his future. Sometimes it helps when someone who knows you, looks at your situation from the outside. :)

  5. Managers make good money regardless, he may get bonuses for saving hours and if the inventory is correct and hes under budget he could get more bonuses then you may think, KFC may have some really good health benefits for him and his future family. then again he could just really love the food.

  6. Sounds like he is afraid of school.  I wonder if he has some hidden problem like dyslexia or something.

  7. i havent got an answer for your question , but i think the question itself is far too long , maybe you mite need to shorten it if you dont get enough answers or get the sort of answers you are  looking for ,,, but anyway good luck ,  

  8. There could be a few reasons. 1) Doesn't want to go to school, maybe he feel he won't pass all of the qualifications since he only has an elementary school/middle school education.  2) He likes the job because he knows the job and doesn't want to go through all the hassle of learning a new job because he is comfortable 3) Maybe he is moving in the future and if stays at KFC he knows he can transfer and have a job lined up.  4) Maybe it is for the sake of being happy. Who knows, maybe he had a father who only cared about the money in the job and not the happiness and he never felt loved by his father and doesn't want to do the same to his kids.  

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