
My marble gecko is having trouble shedding, what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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it hasnt shedd its skinfor a long time, and is all dried up on its back and looks really bad!!




  1. raise the humidity in your enclosure, and mist twice a day.

    if you can hold him gentley, put him in a delicup with warmish water and let him soak. you can place the cup ontop of a warm wet towel to keep it warm and increase humidity.

    you may also need to aid the shedding if it has gotten really bad, you can do this after you have soaked him by removing peices of dead skin with tweezers. be VERY gentle and do not force the skin off.

    keep the humidty up for awhlie in the tank (allowing drying times) and keep a steady humidity from here on out, because if he is having problems now it is because of the humidity in the past not being enough.

    good luck!

    their care is very similar to that of the golden gecko, so i would suggest reading up here;

    also, DO NOT rub their skin as they have very sensitive skin as opposed to other captive kept geckos. their skin can rip and tear very easily.

  2. get a small spray bottle with warm water and put a small hide box with a moistened  paper towel in it

  3. make sure the humidity is rite!

  4. What you could do is wet a small towel and rub him/her all over with it three times daily.

  5. Take a covered tupperware container that he would fit in cut a hole put dampened spagnum moss in it.  It helped my blue tongue skinks shed greatly.

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