we saw her slip and fall in the mud, when she was being silly. she's 16.1 and 18 years old. she's a perfect weight for an old paddock horse and is up to date with tetanus and everything. I can't life her feet up because as i do it's like she can't stand and goes to lay down. we had the vet out and she said it's probably arthritis, so we got another vet out and she said just pulled muscles, but she literally dragging her back legs. she can still move them in a walking motion, but the point of her hoof drags in the dirt. and there is drag marks all over the paddock. i'm worried about her, any ideas on what it could be. the fact that it's both back legs and after she slipped, it's not like it's sudden onset arthritis she didn't have nay arthritis before this.
any ideas?