
My married friend constantly hits on me!!?

by  |  earlier

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He's only been married for a month but for some reason he's constantly nosing around me.

His wife is really sweet, she's like the Betty Crocker type!!!

Today he came really close to me and sniffed my neck. I think he might have licked me!!!

What can I do?




  1. Kevin if Snizz has something in her ear she needs to see a doctor right away, biting it off wont help.  

    as for your married man God will punish him don't be scared.

  2. If it were me I would have a set down with him and tell him in no uncertain terms that, that is not appropriate behavior of a married man. While he might have been welcome to do that in the past, marriage changes everything and (I am assuming) you don't want to be responsible for breaking up a marriage.

    If he still does it, he certainly is not your friend.

    Sorry you have to deal with the insensitive lout and good luck.

  3. Stop him.  That man is a potential cheater.  Just tell him he's being inappropriate and it's making you very uncomfortable.  

  4. well if you want to bed up with a stick insect

    that'ss up to you, you must be flirting with him,

    you recon i need a lawyer?

    LOL, i wuv you too,, night honey,xx

  5. Tell your friend that you are uncomfortable with his advances; if he doesn't stop, end the friendship. You wouldn't want to be the one blamed if something did happen between you or someone caught him in the act.

  6. maybe try rubbing chili pepper powder on your neck.nah just hes truly your friend and respected you, he wouldnt put you in that situation.on your part,if you choose to move forward,you'll probably end up losing a ,what you refer to,as a friend.

  7. Best way to handle it is to sweetly and calmly in a non-threatening way, with no one else able to hear you,  tell him to stop it... those type of actions makes you feel uncomfortable and may give someone else the wrong impression. Even make it seem light hearted and considerate at first. But if it continues then growl and tell him to back off or else you will be more than happy to ask your friend to help you with convincing him, you know the friend I'm talking about...his wife. Then smile sweetly and say "understand?comments, concerns, considerations? Are we clear?"

  8. Tell him to stop or your going to tell his wife about his inappropriate behavior.

    If he is doing this then he has no respect for you,his wife or his marriage.

  9. Tell him to back off or you'll tell his wife.

    Then if he does it again....tell her right in front of everyone.

    He doesn't respect his wife or you.

  10. <sniffs snizzs neck> Mmm, smells good...

    Sorry, what was the question again?

    To h**l with Y!A, <nibbles snizzs ear>...

  11. Tell him to STOP.  He may not be 100% committed to his marriage but you don't want to be labeled as a home wrecker. If he doesn't stop, tell his wife.  

  12. And you still think he is a friend???

    Honey trolls like that CANNOT be friends with females.  They OBVIOUSLY want to nail them all.

    Do you REALLY need friends like that?

  13. tell him it makes u uncomfortable and remind him about his wife.

  14. Next time he does it, turn to him and tell him to stop because your losing respect for him as a person and as a friend.  If that doesn't stop him then he is just an idiot and not even really your friend and you should just slap him silly.

  15. i hope u dont get mixed up in tht. u really shouldnt.. not if hes married.. especially if hes married.. u should tell him to stop it.. tell him he has a gf.. if he cant stopit.. u need to tell his wife.. and if his wife doesnt believe u u needto cut off ur friendship.. the last thing u want is a love triangle.. those arent good at all.. ... and maybe hes jsut havin some withdrawal affects from bein married.. but he needs to learn not to.. u need to tell him first ..  

  16. Tell him that he is married and you are not interested in helping him commit adultery.  

  17.   The one to blame is you. If you were firm in putting him in his place, he would have stop long ago. Try that, regardless the outcome of it and he will understand that you mean seriousness in your stand.

  18. I accidentally overhear it when I was at the Dr 2 get some.."meds", that Kev is 4 looking as 2 convince his Dr, who is very sure, that he doesn't suffers from PE, so be care full, cause he doesn't know how 2 aim

    well as I see u have so many teen boys that u should be speaking fluently, anyways I can't say those words...OUT LOUD....>-<, I would be reported

  19. I blame you for smelling so good!

    If you would just roll in some dog c**p then you wouldn't have this problem

    Home wrecker!

    <sniff-sniff>  is that dog c**p I smell?  GOD I want you now!

  20. Men like to have their cake and eat it to....some don't know what they got till they loose it let him know his behavior makes you feel uncomfortable and it needs to stop...if that doesn't work tell him you will tell his wife.

  21. to much vanilla in your parfum?

  22. Then tap that puppy!

    After one romp together, he'll get over you and go back to his wife.

  23. Yeah, sorry...a friend wouldn't do that to you and put you in that kind of position. So what if she's the Betty Crocker type? He hopefully knew that before he got married so he should have chosen a better mate. I would tell him he needs to stop this or you're done with the friendship because you have more respect for his wife than he does not to try anything, and if he doesn't stop then tell his wife. He's crossing the line and you don't want the blame put on you because you did nothing, like you're the one that enticed him out of his marriage. Do something before he goes even more over the line.

    Good luck.

  24. Well, if hes a good friend, just tell him your not interested because you dont want to ruin your friendship

  25. Make sure his wife doesn't find out!!

    Are you sure she's sweet... under that  *nice* exterior she portrays could be lurking a real nutcase!  Watch your back!!!!

  26. SM I'm from the Law Offices of Lotta & Notta best lawyer in the community more than happy to file divorce papers for yee..

    for a small fee of 10 points..

    Dang Snizz whose the hootch NOW!

    well Snizz someone needs to run it, might as well be  me :)

  27. This probably would have been funny if posted in the P&S category.

    Bit of a faux pas on your part lovey!  

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