
My mars is in Taurus but seem to be madly in love with an aquarius man. Why?

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My chart:

Sun and mercury in Pisces

mars and moon in taurus

venus in aquarius

and sagg


sun aquarius

mars in scorpio

venus in cap

thats all I kno for now sorry




  1. you gotta check out your birth charts and compare them. its probably your moon, venus or mars signs. If you put your charts up I'll try to interpret them.

  2. Your Venus sign in Aquarius is the main reason you're so drawn to an Aquarius man, not so much the Mars placement. I have the same Venus placement as well and can speak from experience.

    You'd gravitate towards towards men who are slightly emotionally aloof, detached, intellectual and sociable/communicative. You'd also be attracted to the eccentricity, rebelliousness and unpredictability of such people. You don't like to be tied down in an emotional commitment and this man will do just that - provide you with plenty of personal space, freedom and mental stimulation.

    THis will definitely seem contrary to your Taurus Moon needs but looks like your Venus needs have shown themselves to be more evident in this case. It is common for women to resonate more with their Venus needs in their younger days and slowly focus more on the Moon needs as they mature.

  3. Mars in Taurus or Mars with Venus,they all are very s**y ,Aquarius people are tall and serious,you find him mysterious so attract to him.


  4. My chart:

    Sun and mercury in Pisces - (His venus is capricorn is compatible with your personality in general plus you probably have open conversations)

    mars and moon in taurus - (again, his scorpio mars means you are both ambitious and can understand that in each other. Where his moon is is important because that is the ruler of basic emotions).

    venus in aquarius - (you are happy to put up with the unusual romantic antics of an aquarian and appreciate the eccentricities of loving one.)

    What was his rising sign?

  5. astrology only predicts compatibility rather than love, and even then, it isnt always right. mine's in gemini, and i fell madly in love for a virgo. at the same time, everyone's different. i have a cousin who's the same star sign as myself, and we're completely different people. i have another cousin who's not only the same star sign as myself, but born in the same year as myself, so would be the same zodiac sign as myself, and again, we're completely different people. tarrot card reading is the better option because its based on yourself rather than everyone that happens to be in the same astrological sign as yourself

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