
My maternal grandfather was Czech (passed on). As an Australian, am I entitled to apply for Czech Passport?

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If anyone can direct me to helpful sites with info or give me some answers, would greatly appreciate it...




  1. no,u have to be born in that country.u can get a visa however.go online and look for czech embassy site for more info.

  2. at least one of the parent must hold the citizenship of Czech, on order to be able to acquire citizenship;

    most of the time? (not all countries)demand that you have at least one parent,holding citizenship;

    yet, depending on the legal status( married or not at the time of your birth)

    so? the answer is is a link as you have asked:

    look under descent,

  3. It would be probably best to get in touch with your countries dept of immigration and get the proper directions from them

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