
My mates Mum is a bit flirty with me, my mate goes travelling soon for a year. She's asked me to do the ?

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Gardening whilst he's away. Hmmmmmmmmm, sounds suspicious.

What would you do? Shall I trim her Bush? lol




  1. Do not get into trouble.Most elder women are clever with this. You might get little bit of s*x and food. At the end you will be the fool.

  2. oh its suspicious alright........ try and resist her...... i dont think shes your age and allv o.0

  3. defo, get the strimmer out!haha

  4. Dude...if ever you would actually do that, TRY to make sure your mate wont know 'bout it...hahahahahahaha...GOOD LUCK though...fuc*k deep dude

  5. Go for it these days there's not many bushes around so you will have a bit more time on your hands to do her ironing

  6. most important, is she hot or nasty?

  7. I would trim her bush and ask my friend who his daddy is!!!

  8. I don't know about that one. It may damage your friendship with your mate "when" he finds out. And he will eventually. So do you want to lose your friend over a piece of booty?

  9. Maybe you should, but I would be careful if she wants you to empty her pond!

  10. Do it baby!!! lol theres not many MILFs around lol

  11. Right you should accept and say u will help doing the gardening because if not ur mate will not think that you want to and there must be some trust between you to, because if not he would of asked someone else to. I would say yes and do it to help you friend out, but the wierd thing is is that why doesnt she do the gardening but maybe she is just to busy to do it. Well i would do the gardening it will get you outside and you probably will get paid at the end of it.

    And if her mum turns on you just say no, your just here to do the gardening.

    So i would help out and do the gardening and if she turns on you just say no. If she doesnt stop flirting just say do the garding yourself and go home.

    Hope this helps

  12. say youll do it then be very business like about quoting figures and stuff, then see what she does

  13. Life is short, get it while u can ;)  

  14. LOL You're gross.

  15. Since it's your mate's mom, you should stay away.

    Do the gardening, and if she hints to something, act like you don't get it

    and continue whit whatever you were doing. And don't hint or say anything which have anything to do with s*x, and if she begins to talk about it, try to switch subject.

  16. Haha, if she's a milf, go for it! :D

  17. No, don't trim her bush! honestly, you are a dirty bugger!

    remember that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If you suspect she is being flirty then leave it, you don't want to risk your friendship with your mate, which is the most important thing.

    say you've signed up for afternoon hobby classes or something, to get out of it.

    And would you really trim an older woman's bush?

    Good luck xx

  18. if she gives the green light then why not? Life's to short for what if's!

  19. get straight in could even speak to your friend  on the phone while he's away and have the mother blowing you at the same time...what a thought!

  20. Is his mother married? If not, she's probably looking for a little "fun and comfort" with someone half her age. Asking you to do her gardening in her garden is a little weird. I can sort of imagine it turning into a Desperate Housewives scenario where you're the hunky gardener and she's the desperate housewife and you find yourself in her bed and then her husband finds out about you and beats you up and you're still in love with her and then your friend finds out and beats you up and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I would steer clear, if I were you, pal.

  21. Yes sounds Ok    ..   I would      Go on  show her your Percy Thrower    

  22. haha thats up 2 u if u like older women then why not?shes obviously handing it to u on a plate and thats if she dont have a boyfriend or husband  

  23. dont beat around the bush too much

  24. OH can you imagine saying 'I've shagged your mum' to your mate.... and you actually HAVE........ WHOOAAAAA LMAO

  25. Oh man do it, do it, do it. Friendships are fleeting but the memories and the stories can go on forever.

    A year is a long time and her undergrowth will need a lot of atention. It is not a crime to attend to a ladies garden. It is probably an innocent request and she just wants you to pay attention to her bush. Take your own equipment as you don't want to get there and find a dirty hoe waiting for you. Be sure as well when you are ploughing your furrow to ask your mates mum exactly where she wants you to spread your seed.And be careful when you take your equipment into the garden. Some people will insist that you use the back passage.

    Hope it goes well for you. Gardening is such fun.

  26. I would say its not worth the risk of losing your friend.  It is sick that she is after her son's friend too.  Its your call if you are willing to lose your mates friendship over a booty call.

  27. Hello, Mrs. Robinson

    If you do it will you regret it?

  28. ask her if her back passage needs de flowering too

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