
My mates parents put a internet timer on and...?

by  |  earlier

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How can she still go on?

Like would a wireless card work or not she wouldn't be able to pay monthly as she couldn't let her mum and dad know so is there one she can pay in one go?

Or if she got into her parents computer account (she has her own laptop) how could she change the timer?





  1. Was she being naughty on the net? Her parents probably had a good reason though she may not agree. (Sorry). But to answer your question she can buy a wireless card (Wi-Fi) for $15-$20 USD and connect at any coffee shop, probably not at home.

  2. maybe lauren should just run away to my house and come on my computer :)

    i really have no idea how you can change it :\

    ah the things telling me i have alot of punctuation

    i dont i have two faces ...


    and three miss spellings :@

    whatt its telling me to change of punctuation into alto :S

    and have into dint :S

    and three into lil :S:S


    :) x

  3. She could also connect to a neighbor's wireless internet, but that is illegal so I really don't recommend it...

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