
My math teacher assigned us this...and if we don't get it done...what do u think?

by Guest58130  |  earlier

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I'm going into the 8th grde just leaving 7th grde. For the kids that are taking algebra one in eigth grade instead of pre algebra, the math teacher gave us like 40 pages of math to do over the summer, and he said, if we don't get it done, we don't get to be in algebra one! Everyone in my family thinks it's wrong, and that he can't do that, but can he do that? Say we can't go into a class that we got good enough grades to be in if we don't finish 40 pages of work? Is this right? What do u think?




  1. I actually think it is a good idea.  So many students forget all the math they learned the previous year over the summer that teachers often have to start out by reviewing the entire year for the first few weeks.  This way, he knows that the people taking algebra one will remember their pre-algebra, and he can jump right in.  English teachers will often assign a book to read over the summer.  This just sounds like the math equivalent.

  2. Yes, he can do that.  Part of being in an advanced class is having a good work ethic.  Those who won't do work over the summer don't have as strong of a work ethic as those who will.

    He's separating the cream from the rest of the crop.

  3. um it is fair we had to do one page of math each day so like 90 pages of work for the summer so dont be complaining if you did one a day it wouldn't have been a problem

  4. i might help if i was going to the same grade as u but IM GOING TO 6TH GRADE

  5. If you are nearly done then it did what it was supposed to do: separate the men from the boys.  That's a figure of speech.  Lots of students get good grades by cheating and don't know squat.  So they shouldn't be allowed to bog down your class.  Be glad someone is looking out for your best interest.  Grades are not about turning in "stuff" now, they are about proving you know it on a test.

  6. I think you're panicking because Summer vacation is over and you've not done the 40 pages of homework.  If it was such an issue with you and your family, it should have been discussed with the principal and/or school counselor at the beginning of the Summer when you just got out of 7th grade.

  7. Yes, it's fair; if you want to be in an advanced class, get used to the workload.  Trust me, it's not going down any time soon.

    He's the teacher, and he wants to make sure that you can handle the work.  There's enough information to teach you through the course of Algebra 1 that he won't have the time to give you 2 months of, he gets to make the rules.

    Just because you get the grades doesn't mean you get admitted to a class - you have to keep earning it.  As you get into high school and college, you'll end up working your tail off for what you want pretty consistently, rather than just relying on past grades.  Your teacher is not only trying to make sure that you're prepared for his class, but to teach you a bit of the work ethic to get what you want in the future.;

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