
My math teacher stares at us?

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how does she not know that's really rude?

(it's done consciously)




  1. L*****n

  2. There could be several reasons:

    Maybe she could be absent minded

    Maybe she finds something interesting about you

    Maybe she likes you...

    Maybe she DOESN'T like you

    Maybe be you're imagining it...

  3. Teachers do that

  4. Why is she staring?  Are you doing something that warrants the stare?  Do you mean she is checking you out?

  5. She is aware of cheating in class

  6. I find that extremely rude

  7. I once watched a substitute teacher throw a podium at a student. I once had a teacher who would tell a joke (bad joke) and stare at the class until someone laughed. Their human their not perfect.

  8. teachers are commonly quite rude and condescending.

    you should just ignore it

    ps some teacher's are pervs who think about doing questionable things with their students so if she stares at only you prepare for the worst and creepiest.

  9. I've had lots of experience with those teachers. Just ignore it and do your work. Many teachers you will encounter will be rude, grumpy, and mean. I had one teacher who really  heavily (verbally) abused a lot of students, particularly the ones who weren't as smart as the rest and who fell behind easily. It's really sort of sad what our schools have come to. Anyway just ignore it she's not going to stop doing that anytime soon.

  10. She wants you

  11. maybe she's glaring at u? maybe she thinks u've done something wrong? but it's is scary and yes it is very rude, my God, what sort of math teach do u have?!

  12. She may be daydreaming.

  13. Yea some teachers do that sometimes it really is just the way they look but just try 2 ignore it i guess...but i know how you feel its kinda very annoyin and you constantly feel like your being watched when your writing down something as if your doing it wrong.  I guess if you wanted 2 you could confront her but i wouldn't suggest it.

  14. is this a question or ??????

  15. stare back at tha mutha ******

    did it to my old college teacher

    and we ended up doing it straight up on tha desk

  16. hi  tale me your name pelise

  17. I'm a teacher and sometimes i look at students and it doesn't mean anything. I look because i find interesting what they're doing and It reminds me of when I was in HS.

  18. Do you mean that she sits at her desk while your working away and every time you look up she's gazing at you in a dreamy way? If that's the case, you might consider reporting her to your headteacher (or principal, as they say in America.) Or do you mean that when she's angry, she comes right up to your face and just glares at you? If so, there's not much to worry about. She's either checking you out or giving you "the evil stare." Many of my teachers do that. I think it stops them from actually using violence to control their pupils. When they give you this evil stare, they're probably thinking horrible things about you in their heads. Or trying to blow up your head. Telepathically.

  19. silly teenager, just get on with learning math and get a life- your math teacher is probably dreaming about being in adult company

  20. write hate that on your eyelids like in indiana jones. Get it eye hate that

  21. she mustn't. not everyone has good manners

    make sure not to learn from her catastrophic social skills

  22. you can always ask her, thats what i do and then they should stop

  23. well maybe shes just your average, lonley, ugly, bad-dressing, smelly, intelligent but likes everybody to know it, single math teacher

    let A represent "single"

    A = single

    and let B represent "awkard"

    B = a*****e

    now add A and B

    A+B = maths teacher


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