
My meds aren't really working...?

by  |  earlier

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I've been taking my meds as normal, but they're not really working. However they did make me sane enough to understand that I should take more, but I don't want to.

How do I trick my psychiatrist into lowering my dose?




  1. a therapeutic song for you,

  2. Dosage is serious.  Don't trick him into anything.  Try the truth.

  3. you need to act so sane that your doc thinks that you are too genius  

  4. just stop taking them, you're sane enough already!

  5. i think you're beyond medical assistance,

    find a one room bedsit lock youself in it

    and stay away from my wife.

  6. If you feel your meds arent working, you should talk to the psychiatrist. I dont think lowering them is what you need. You may just need an increase. All meds in the beginning have to constantly be adjusted to get you to the right level of dosage and its very serious not to take yourself off. Talk to your doctor asap... but continue to take your meds regulary til you do.  

  7. you shouldnt have to trick your psysch into anything... arent you in charge of your care i know i am! im not dissagreeing or agreeing with whatever your saying... i think your unsure your self about what you feel about your meds?  

  8. if you don't lower your dose I will put a fork in YOU!!! that should do it  

  9. Uhm which one of the voices in your head told you that you should take more???

    I'd listen to him!!!

  10. You don't have to trick your psychiatrist into lowering your dose.  You can lower the dose yourself if you want to go back to being "insane" again.

    This behavior is very typical of people who start taking medications for psychological disorders.  The medications make them feel just good enough so they decide they don't want to take them anymore.  So they stop taking the medications, backslide into their disorder, and lose all the ground they gained.  Some of them end up hospitalized or suicided.

    You seem intelligent, rational, and lucid, so I'm sure you want to continue being that way!

    Since you haven't explained why you don't want to take a therapeutic dose of your medication, and since you haven't explained what your diagnosis is, I'll have to agree with the other posters:

    Take the medications as prescribed.  Tell the psychiatrist you feel like stopping the medications.  Let him/her deal with the situation.

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