
My meds make me tired. What do you recommend?

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I take 40mg of Prozac in the morning and 200mg of Seroquel before I go to bed. When I wake up I am very very tired and my speech is slurred and I sometimes have problems putting sentences together.




  1. then stop drugging urself  

  2. Prozac does not make you sleepy. Seroquil, on the other hand does. I take 100 mg of seroquil in the morning and 300 mg at night. lower doses tend to make you more tired then higher doses. A normal dose of seroquil can be as high as 1,000 mg per day. You should talk to your doctor about increasing the dose. I promise you that you won't feel as tired.

  3. coffee and soda

  4. It is most advisable to report any potential side effect from using certain medications to your doctor who prescribed these medications. Hopefully, the kinds of medication can be adjusted and the dosage of medication can be modified.

    Meanwhile, you need to work toward recovering from depression through intensifying self-care, self-help, self-motivation leading to self-preservation. through such an effort, you might have a good a hope, gradually walking out of the wood of depression. If you don't, you may end up taking these medications with significant undesirable side effect, which may affect your efficient active daily living.

  5. Talk this over with your DOCTOR as soon as possible!!

  6. Tell your doctor.  I have been taking Seroquel for years and if you are waking up with a Seroquel hangover that means your dose needs to be adjusted  (downward) a little at a time.  So you can still sleep but you don't wake up like that.  This is a common thing with Seroquel.

  7. Talk to your doc.  Taking Seroquel earlier at night helped my mornings, but it wiped out my evening.  Higher doses do tend to be less sedating, but going there really depends on why you are taking Seroquel.  If it's for anxiety, sleep, or depression, then lower dosing may be your answer.  Bipolar and schizophrenia might be worth going higher.  In any case, the purpose of meds is to improve quality of life.  It does not sound like Seroquel is doing that for you.  There are many other meds, including antipsychotics like Geodon and Abilfy, that are far less sedating but effective at treating depression and psychosis.  The APs that best treat mania tend to be more sedating, but that doesn't mean they are necessary for maintenance.  Also, if you are bipolar, the anticonvulsants tend to be much less sedating and Lamictal happens to be one that's good for depression.

    So call your psychiatrist.  (If you're not seeing one, go get one.  Antipsychotics are beyond general medicine.)  You doc is there to help, but can't do anything unless you share what's going on with you.

  8. I recommend you make an appointment and talk to your doctor about your problem.  This is influencing your quality of life and you need to adjust your meds.

  9. well to increase energy vitamin b is good but this sounds like you should go to a doctor

  10. Seroquel is very sedating.  Talk to your doctor about this.  I took seroquel and it made me very tired.  Your doctor might want to change you to something else or decrease the dose.

  11. come off them, or see your doctor, its not nice to feel tired i need tablets to make me feel not tryd =S

  12. Sounds like your dose is to high, or you might not be getting enough to sleep it off, you could try changing when you take the meds, if your not getting enough sleep, you could try taking your meds earlier in the evening instead of right before bed then maybe go to bed a little earlier if you have to get up at a certain time.  But call your doc, and tell them what is going on, they can better help you

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