
My memory is getting bad..

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my memory has got really bad now and i dont know why im 15..and i think i might have short term memory loss like my dad because my long term is great i can still remember back when i was in a pre-school o.O and i will be talking on the phone and get interupted then i forget what i was saying completly sometimes.. but i just want to some how train my short term memory now so then i can remember it later but i dont know how to do this




  1. Sounds like your just preoccupied with something and don't pay attention.  Try that.  Try paying attention and see if that helps.

  2. you might just have alot on your mind... that happens to me when im trying to handle 2 jobs, school, friends and a possible boyfriend. =)

  3. I see where your getting at by trying to train your brain to remember to help your short term. I just thought of this but you can give it a try.

    When you wake up in the morning, try making a short list of things you would like to do, sorta like a chore list or something. i.e, take out the garbage, check my yahoo answer question status, fix a sandwhich for lunch etc... Then when you finish your list, lay it on your bed so that way when you go to bed, you can check off the things you remembered to do and put an put an X to things your forgot to do, but don't look at the list untill the end of the day, that way you can try to think of what you wanted to do from the list. This is just my advice but you can try it.

    Good luck.

  4. Because the avatars aren't working in YA, I can't tell if ur a boy or girl.  If you are a boy, you may be wacking off too much.  So cut back, and restore your memory.  :)

  5. Eat fish and get 8 hours of sleep or more.  Play video games or test your brain with puzzles. find-a-word, crosswords or good.

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