
My menstrual cycle ranges for 30 days. i got period last august 15-20. When Will be my ovulation period?

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My menstrual cycle ranges for 30 days. i got period last august 15-20. When Will be my ovulation period?




  1. well i agree with the first person to answer but try what they are saying a week before and after your menstrual cycle because thats normally when it happens either before or after it long story behind how i a young teen knows this but hope this helps =D good luck

  2. Your ovulation period should be between August 28 through September 3.

  3. try measure ur temp. it increase while u r ovulating (it need u to monitor it)

  4. You ovulation can occur any where from  08/27/2008 thru 09/06/2008. click the link u can see that i enter your information and thats how i got the answer .

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