
My mental health and paintball? Must read! Help!??

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Whenever I play paintball, which is often, I start to get this irresistible urge to aim my paintballs at my opponent's groin, whether this opponent is male or female. I know this is kind of dishonorable and it makes the people I hit double over in pain and fall to the ground for many minutes writhing around, but the urge is just so strong in my mind to shoot people in the groin when playing paintball that I can't help it.

Furthermore, whenever I get that urge and I do score a hit on an opponent's groinal area, a voice in mind says really loudly "GROIN SHOT.... score triple!" just like the computerized voice that's in the game Unreal Tournament.

My question is, am I mentally ill or I am just a really good paintball player?




  1. I'd say yer probably a little bit loco but who am i to say... I was playing with some sherrif's & a few off duty swat team members, & had 3 dudes coming up on me, 2 with full auto's & 1 with a paintball bazooka, I got lit the f**k up when i took out one of the full auto dudes because I shot him in the peanuts, but despite getting over 150 welts in that one volly, it felt good hitting that arrogant punk in the nuts.  

  2. Lmfao. Have you ever gotten an overkill?

  3. I don`t think you are ill, I just think you have a cruel sense of humor and if you keep it up you will be playing paintball on your own.

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