
My middle boys is turning 4 next month, I need ideas to make him feel very special.

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My sweetie Devin is turning 4 soon. He is in the middle of 3 boys and at times seems lost. I want him to feel so special this year on his birthday. He loves dinos, transformers, superheros etc. Because he's not of school age he doesn't have a lot of friends yet to invite to a party. What should I do to celebrate his day?




  1. With my middle son, we took him to a pizza place. We would invite cousins, aunts and uncles to it. He would have fun because all the attention was on him.  I also went out and bought him a cake with his favorite hero on it. (He liked Transformers.) He had fun.

  2. How about making him Prince Devin for the day. Let him wear a crown all day. I let my son who just turned 5 plan our day. What we did, what we ate and who to invite. Maybe you or your husband could sneak away with just him and go to the toy store. Let him pick out his own gift. Have fun!

  3. Since he doesnt have a lot of friends right now..,why not bring him to an orphanage house and celebrate his birthday there together with other kids.Or invite his brothers friends(kids),to come to your home and have a little costume party of super heroes there.That way he will enjoy the party im sure.

  4. Here are a few great gifts that keep on giving:

    1. Minimum Expense:

    1.a. Get him a pet that will be "his." Since puppies are more work, I would recommend a love bird ($60).

    1.b. Take the family to Chuck-e-Cheese and make a big deal out of it. Its like a small-scale Disney.

    2. Medium Expense:

    2.a. Get him a self-propelled, battery powered, 4-wheel car (approx. $150-350). My boy loves cars and would not get off it for a few weeks. He still uses it as leverage over his other siblings.

    2.b. Do a Cowboys party and schedule a pony ride or petting zoo (approx $200-400).

    3. Budget not an issue: Schedule a trip to Disney World in his honor. Is this not the ultimate?

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