
My mind is tired but my body refuses to let me sleep what do I do?

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My mind is tired and I can barely hold conversations but at night when I try to go to bed my body gets a surge of energy. It feels like my body wants to go run a mile when I know I need to go to sleep. What do I do? Is there a solution to this that doesn't require medication?




  1. Usually I buy a really boring book and try reading it right before I go to bed at night and for some reason my eyes get really heavy from trying to focus on the print I pass out after about 10 minutes. Other than that try actually taking a short walk right before bed. Hope you get some rest soon! Take care

  2. o****m's are supposed to have sedative effects, and if it doesn't work no harm done.

    Try relaxation techniques, there's a lot online, they used to help me when I wanted to, plus its good to know for when you are stressed out.

    You could cheat and take a sleeping pill but Its not healthy to rely on them.

    Avoid Caffeinated beverages after 1am.

    try warm Milk, it actually  is supposed to help, like turkey, has the same chemical effect.

    You can also try Valerian Root, it helps people relax also known to help with stress, take it about 1-2 hours before bed, take 1 or 2  500mgs each.

  3. try reciting poetry you might remember.

    or singing to yourself.

    that might help you shift gears mental wise.

    "for some people masturbation might work, however for others it'll only make it worse"

  4. smoke bud, drink NyQuil, take benedryl, something like that

  5. try to covince yourself that you are tired and maybe you wou will get

  6. it might be stress, and not a busy enough day. and if it gets worse it will require meds.

    well, i would talk to your doctor to get his/her input. how long has this been going on?

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