
My mind is too cluttered?

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I don't know why but while I feel like I have the mind of genius but I cant use it. I feel like there is a clog in my brain stopping it from working. I mean something like bending a hose so that water only trickles out. I have had a few days where my head doesn't feel like that and my mind just races faster than an Olympic runner to do school work and figure out everyday situations. Most days I feel the answer coming out but I cant "pick it out"

It used to be a little different. Before when ever i would think about something many related thoughts rush into my head at once and I would be able to get what i needed. Now its just like i cant find it. For example the first one is like throwing a bunch of sand into the air with a small diamond being the answer, but now its like having very sandy water that you can't see through and is moving very rapidly.

Maybe its just delusions and grandeur but I feel like if i could get that sand out I can do absolutely anything (3855^2 in my head). I would say more but I can't really describe it.

And i have tried clearing my head but its just not working for me




  1. i aint reading all that you crazy

  2. It sounds to me as though you might be struggling with a problem called focus. One thing at a time, there is no race that I am aware of. I hope this helps.. Regards UK

  3. Although many forms of meditation will help you "step back" from your self, they take time to learn, so Id suggest you smoke a well loaded joint. Never fails

  4. Its because you are caught up in your thoughts which is not reality, thoughts are from the future or the past and the past is dead and the future is imaginary.  Stay in the present moment where there is an absence of thought and a crystal clear clarity of understanding.   Please do not focus for that is only good for specialised jobs or passing exams.  Far better to develop your self awareness for when we focus, we concentrate on something and when we concentrate, focus on something we exclude so much, its like tunnel vision.  Where with awareness nothing is excluded.

    All problems are created, psychologically and inwardly by thought.

    Is not the movement of time, psychologically, the movement of thought?  So thought is time and time is fear – obviously.

    There is no thinker, only conditioned thinking.

    How does thinking arise?  There is perception, contact, sensation and then thought, based on memory.  Thought creates the thinker, it is the thinking process that brings the thinker into being.  Thought comes first, and later the thinker, it is not the other way round.

    The way of thinking must wholly cease, for it breeds confusion and misery.  There is no better or nobler way of thinking.  All thinking is conditioned.

    Life begins where thought ends.  Psycological time is invented by thought.  The origin of thinking is experience.

    One of the reasons of conflict is duality.  Thought is the self, thought is the word that identifies itself as the ‘me’ and at whatever level the self is placed, high or low, it is still within the field of thought.

    Thought cannot penetrate into the unknown, and so it can never discover or experience reality.

    Phycological time is invented by thought.

    Thought has created the me.  When the moment of thought stops there is no me.  Is there a thinker without thought?  All forms of thinking are conditioned.

    The content of consciousness being all things put together by thought.

    The very recognition prevents the experiencing.  Thought is the result of your conditioning, thought is the response of your memory.

    Thought is always a fragment because thought is the outcome of the past and the past is a fragment of the total time.

    There is contradiction and conflict between what is and what should be.

    We have to find if there is action which is not the product of thought.

    To look with thought and to look without thought are two different things.

    Seeing without thought does not put the brain to sleep, on the contrary it is fully awake, attentive, without friction and pain.

    Our problems are created, psychologically and inwardly, by thought.

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