
My mind wants to be a girl and I dont know why?

by  |  earlier

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I am a strait male, but dont know why I like to crossdress. I dont know what there is about it, but I keep trying hard to get away from it, but I am more tempted to try on panties, bra, etc etc.

Whats the psychological reason for me to do this. I enjoy it, but am not sure if I should continue to do so and if I stop, how I can do so




  1. it's kinda normal for guys and girls to start of thinking that they are straight but as time passes the inner you starts to show and feelings and another sexuality starts to reveal itself little by little. i know you don't want to hear this but honestly i say that you should not fight it because like it or not you are what you are but... has to be what type of person God intended you to be.  

  2. hopefully its just a phase!

    my friend jason went through the same thing for a few months and he got over it sure it won't last.


  3. You're g*y, you just don't realize it yet. You do more than just crossdress, you also pose as a girl on the internet.

  4. I am a female and get no real thrill from the dressing, the makeup, the shaving, the face creams, etc etc. Dress up clothes are uncomfortable as a rule and cold in the winter. Why anyone would want to do it if they didn't have to, I don't know.  LOL  It's a pain and it's time consuming. So I guess I don't have an answer to your question other than maybe for you it is a novelty. But believe me, the new wears off.

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