
My miniature s**+-tzu has been smelling really bad even after u give him a bath and has been sleeping a lot?

by  |  earlier

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its really not like him not 2 play at all. and i'm concerned. i'm wondering what might b wrong with him?




  1. He could have an infection in one of his organs, which would account for the sleepiness and smell. A skin fungus or infection would also create a smell. You need to get your dog to the vet.

  2. Please take you dog to the vet ASAP. There is no such thing as a miniature Shih Tzu which means your pup came from a sleazy dishonest puppy mill/pet shop or backyard breeder using poor quality breeding stock. You have a potentially very unhealthy little dog so take him to the vet quickly to be evaluated.  

  3. Take him to a vet.

    And yes, there is no such thing as a

    miniature Shih Tzu

  4. Smell could be parvo, giardia, or an impacted anal gland. Lethargy in combination with the smell is cause for concern. Please bring your dog to the vet.

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