
My miniature horse swallowed a sticker?

by Guest33750  |  earlier

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In camp we had to dress up in all yellow and these campers were helping me decorate my miniature horse and one kid didnt listen when we said not to put a sticker on her nose and it fell off into the grass and we are 99% sure that she ate it. i dont know what to do cuz i love her so freakin much and our vet is out of town. we gave her oil and Metamucil but i dont know what else. i rly dont want her to die...please help if this has happened in your barn before or if you have any ideas. thanks...




  1. She should be fine! It should pass through her system without a problem! Just give her some water, to be safe and all. She wouldn't die just by eating a sticker! Don't worry, and don't call the vet. It WILL be fine. Give her some water if you want.

    Good Luck!!!

  2. She will probably pass it just fine. The stickeers aren't toxic so you really don't have much to worry about.

  3. Oh, she'll be telling how many stickers my kids have eaten! Ha Ha!  If a child can get though it, surely a horse can! ; )  

    This is really gross, but our dog swallowed a plastic bag once...we didn't know it until it came out the other side.  A cat of ours ate a piece of bologna...someone forgot to take off the plastic that goes around the outside...guess how we found out.

    Relax, your horse will be fine.

  4. She probably just chewed it and swallowed it.  In a few days she should just pass it through and depending on what it was made of you probably will not notice it.

    I should not worry about it too much.  Jst watch out for signs of colic.

    Hope this puts your mind at rest.  Do not dress horses in things that are not safe to eat next time.

    God bless.

  5. I really wouldnt worry to much about it. What goes in one end will come out the other. It was only a little sticker i think she will be fine. If you are that worried watch her p**p for the next couple of days and dig through it with a stick or something if you want to make sure it came out. I wouldnt worry it. Just keep and eye on her if you think something will happen. She will be fine.

  6. It shouldn't cause a problem - should just pass straight through.

    Obviously keep an eye open for any digestive problems but I really don't think you will have any.

  7. Not to worry!!!  I'm sure worse things have been swallowed that you didn't know about!!

    I'm sure this will pass (no pun intended!!) out the other can kep an eye out just to make sure and so you know that everything is ok with your mini.

    Relax, take it easy, and be on the lookout for a yellow and green sticker real soon!!

    PS~ I don't suggest reusing that sticker!!

  8. well it probably wont be useable when it comes out the other end and it might be a little green but it wont hurt your horses have eaten paper,soft plastic,wood and cloth (while i was wearing it) and one of mine even took a chunk out of my palm hat (also while i was wearing it) so just wait a day and your mini will have some decorated p**p.

  9. OK first take a breath.

    she should be fine

    if it will help call some other vet and ask

  10. It is 1 sticker! She should be fine. Give her water and just keep an eye on her. She should be fine.

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