
My mirena has become dislodged?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem.

My GP says my Mirena has moved upwards and I am being referred to hospital. The thing is I have severe pain and bleeding and although I have had swabs taken that have came back negative for any infection I am now taking 2 different types of anti biotics as the doctors says that it 'could be' an infection caused by the movement of the mirena.

I am at a loss because surely the swabs would have shown an infection if i did actually have one. I just feel i am being fobbed off with antibiotics yet again.

any advice would be great





  1. Go & see your doctor & get her to check if you Mirena has moved & then they can "re-position' it if  necessary .  

  2. My first mirena was expelled by my body and it had punctured my womb my GP removed it there and then and inserted a new one. You are correct the swabs should have picked up any infection that was present so I feel you are taking antibiotics for no reason. The pain and bleeding will be because your coil is in the wrong place go back to your doctor and ask to be seen as an emergency at the hospital you are being referred to as you should not have to wait to be seen if you are in as much pain as you obviously are

  3. I would go back to the doctor, as this is not right.

    Your mirena should not have dislodged at all, it is clearly due to an error with the insertion of it. The mirena should not have any room for movement in there if it is placed correctly.

    I very much feel, as you do, that you have been 'fobbed off' with antibiotics, as doctors do this regularly to cover their own backs.

    I would kick up a fuss about this if i were you, as you are a victim of someones incompetence here.

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