
My mom's 8 months pregnant. My dad left 3 1/2 months ago. What am I to do?

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I’m an 18 yr old guy, and my mom is having her 3rd child very soon (I have a 16 yr old brother). My dad left a few months ago, because my mom kicked him out (she found out he was seeing another woman). My dad still calls everyday and tells my mom that he loves us and wants to come back into our lives. He says that what he did was beyond stupid, but he wants to be a family man again. I keep telling my mom to reconsider, because I’ll be leaving for college this fall (I graduated from high school this spring and I work full time). Every time I try to talk to my mom about my future and leaving home to live in an apartment (near the university campus) with my friends, she starts crying. I love my mom, and I just want her and my dad to be together again. What’s a son to do?




  1. There`s not much you can do. Your parents have issues that they have to find solutions to by themselves. There`s probably much more going on that you know about. Usually us parents try to hide bad things from our children because we don`t want them to suffer. Eventually after the birth of the baby they will find a way  to they  live together and raise the baby well. What you and your brother can do is to set up a family dinner where both will be invited and you can tell them your honest opinion about the whole situation and what your wishes are. But in the end it will be their decision.

    So after your part is done all you can do is hope and pray.

    I`m sorry you have to go through this, it`s sad .

    I have twins that are 17 years old ans a 8 months old baby. From me to your mother : the baby is like a glue between the rest of us. It makes it so much easier to forgive and forget when you have such an angel in your home...

    Good luck and hope your prayers will be answered to.

  2. I think when the baby is born you and your brother should help as much as possible. Even if it means changing nappies and babysitting. I think from what you have said that your mum is not going to change her mind. But he is the baby's father and has rights to see the baby. You could even try talking to her about him seeing the baby once a month or something similar to that. Just try your best to help. Maybe after the baby's born you should try asking her about moving out. That way any stress which is happening at the moment wont harm the baby.

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